
If life is a journey, perhaps joy is a quest. At any rate, a couple of recent, random comments have me thinking about “joy.”


I don’t know what happened. It caught me completely off-guard. Like a car speeding through a red light, . . .

Bad QuakersRItualsTravel

“Time for a smile.” If you think that is an encouragement similar to “put on a happy face,” think again.


Thanks to an airline shuffle of flight times, our original plan for transportation from the riverboat to the airport was no longer feasible.


I thought perhaps they were docents, but they gave us a nervous look and seemed surprised we were there.


“The most holy is the one who loves most.” That is the kind of sentence you might find on a T-shirt . . .


“Futility” is the word is resonating most loudly at the moment. This is not a general malaise regarding life in general, . . .


“You can’t have a party without food.”  The words sounded like an authoritative declaration when he spoke them. Are they written and preserved in someone’s party etiquette guidelines? Who knows? You could argue against the statement, but why would you?… Continue Reading…


The jet’s wheels touched down on schedule, bringing us back to solid ground. A little part of me always breathes a sigh of relief as rubber meets the runway.

Further Reading

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