Bad QuakersRItualsTravel

“Time for a smile.” If you think that is an encouragement similar to “put on a happy face,” think again.

Bad QuakersCommunityJoySimplicity

Imagine 52 weeks of shopping with a Black Friday mentality! It’s not a pretty thought.

Bad QuakersHopeLamentQuakersSimplicityUncategorized

We live in tumultuous if not perilous times. So many folks say so, it must be true. Most days I take this in stride but the time for action may have come.

Further Reading

Purchase book.

“This is destined to become a new Quaker classic with its depths of insight on call and discernment.” — Carole Dale Spencer

“… the book is a rare and much needed Quaker-specific how-to manual for embracing our individual calls to ministry …” — Windy Cooler

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