
“I’ll get up with you when I get back.”  Those words were overheard in the airport as a traveler wrapped up a phone call prior to boarding his flight. I was not intentionally eavesdropping on the conversation, but cell phones… Continue Reading…


The open garage door in Indiana marks an evolutionary development in Hoosier house design. I wasn’t exactly sure of the purpose when I first noticed the practice. . . .


Hats fascinate me. Though they present themselves as mere fashion accessories they seem to possess secret powers of their own, like a part of a superhero costume.


In a frankfurter version of A Christmas Carol, the ghost of hot dogs past whisked me back . . . .


One cartoon character who simultaneously inspired and disappointed me during my youth was a corncob pipe smoking sailor by the name of Popeye. Sure, his grammar left something to be desired, but . . .


As promised, this piece continues the story begun last time in the blog Open Hearts as I prepared to undergo open heart bypass surgery. That name is somewhat of a misnomer. . . .


This positive spin on waiting can be true. But I must say that in recent weeks it feels like I’ve encountered the dark underbelly of anticipation, if there is such a thing. Three days before Christmas I learned that open heart surgery was . . .

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