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We live in tumultuous if not perilous times. So many folks say so, it must be true. Most days I take this in stride but the time for action may have come.


“For crying out loud!” I heard myself muttering these words after the two-cycle engine of my small garden tiller refused to crank. I know . . .


This positive spin on waiting can be true. But I must say that in recent weeks it feels like I’ve encountered the dark underbelly of anticipation, if there is such a thing. Three days before Christmas I learned that open heart surgery was . . .


Wedding rings have been on my mind recently. Even if you don’t wear one or even if you’re not married . . .


The Christmas holidays are all but out the door at this point, at least the way we celebrate at the Marshall house. If tradition holds, within the next few hours . . .


Where I was raised, the phrase “for crying out loud” was a code signaling exasperation – something like “I’ve had all I can take!” When someone finally stomped on your last good nerve . . .

Further Reading

Purchase book.

“This is destined to become a new Quaker classic with its depths of insight on call and discernment.” — Carole Dale Spencer

“… the book is a rare and much needed Quaker-specific how-to manual for embracing our individual calls to ministry …” — Windy Cooler

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