
I don’t know what happened. It caught me completely off-guard. Like a car speeding through a red light, . . .


“The most holy is the one who loves most.” That is the kind of sentence you might find on a T-shirt . . .


Storehouses or exhibitions? That is a question I occasionally ponder when working my way through museums.


“For crying out loud!” I heard myself muttering these words after the two-cycle engine of my small garden tiller refused to crank. I know . . .


Turtle soup. Now that was to be a different experience for me. I had known people who accidentally caught turtles while pond fishing and wondered what to do with them. Where I was raised, children were warned that if a snapping turtle bit their finger . . .


As promised, this piece continues the story begun last time in the blog Open Hearts as I prepared to undergo open heart bypass surgery. That name is somewhat of a misnomer. . . .


No, as it turned out the cart would not deliver me but rather hold me out like a carrot on a stick.


This brief reprieve from the borders of Wayne County where I live presented an opportunity to resume my continuing search for cheeseburger excellence. A few yards from our hotel we spotted a small place called BJ’s Diner, complete with a sign that boasted “Best Burgers In Town.”


One thing I’ve learned about myself is that I’m a “do-it- yourself” kind of guy. There are things I know I can’t do but given the opportunity, I like to learn. It enriches . . .

Further Reading

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