
Thanks to an airline shuffle of flight times, our original plan for transportation from the riverboat to the airport was no longer feasible.


“The most holy is the one who loves most.” That is the kind of sentence you might find on a T-shirt . . .


Returning home to visit North Carolina feeds my soul in important ways. Time spent with family is refreshing. Eating at restaurants unavailable in Hoosier land makes my taste buds dance. On this trip, it was the popcorn shrimp at Dry… Continue Reading…


“Welcome. I have been waiting for you!” As greetings go, that is much better than something like “Stop, in the name of law,” but they were startling words just the same.


Remember the days when television stations actually ended their broadcast day? They signed on in the morning and . . .


“I’ll get up with you when I get back.”  Those words were overheard in the airport as a traveler wrapped up a phone call prior to boarding his flight. I was not intentionally eavesdropping on the conversation, but cell phones… Continue Reading…


It was another day of journeying through the middle of almost nowhere. Or as I have heard it said, “It’s not the middle of nowhere, but you can see it from there.”

Further Reading

Purchase book.

“This is destined to become a new Quaker classic with its depths of insight on call and discernment.” — Carole Dale Spencer

“… the book is a rare and much needed Quaker-specific how-to manual for embracing our individual calls to ministry …” — Windy Cooler

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